Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

Perkembangan dan Kemajuan Teknologi


Science and technology (Science and Technology) in Indonesia is growing from year to year since Indonesia is still under Dutch colonial rule. The development of science and technology in Indonesia during the colonial era was pioneered and introduced by the Dutch colonial government. At that time the public was introduced to the modern weapons that both light and heavy. Other technologies demonstrated and used by the Netherlands in the form of combat vehicles and other transportation equipment. These technologies come from countries in Europe. Then the Dutch colonial government inculcate science and technology through education in schools and by way of direct use to the community in Indonesia.
The development of science technology of western Indonesia has had implications for the country's progress Indonesia. Indonesian society began to pergerkan to fight for Indonesian independence. In addition, the use of science and technology in Indonesia also impact the morale of the nation of Indonesia. They make use of modern science and technology to find the latest information regarding the state of the world. Therefore, the Indonesian people really helped with the development of science and technology.

             In the colonial period the development of science and technology has not so maximum. Government koloniallah that cause the development of science and technology in Indonesia. The colonial government blocking accesses the inclusion of science and technology from the west to Indonesia. They also do a ban on education for the Indonesian people to study science and technology. As a result, Indonesia lags far with the countries around it. Overall another cause of underdevelopment Indonesia in the field of science and technology are as follows:

a. The limited number of people in Indonesia who receive education, especially higher education
b. Indonesian society is rarely directly involved in the development of science and technology
c. The Dutch government and the companies that are in Indonesia to conduct technology transfer.
d. The lack of industrialization.
e. Lack of meaningful technological innovations in Indonesian society itself.

After independence, the development of the science and technology is growing rapidly in Indonesia. It is driven by the opening of access-access to science and technology for people in Indonesia. Independence creates fairness in access to science and technology for people in Indonesia. They learn little by little in the schools that have been opened to all the people of Indonesia. Armed with this knowledge then the Indonesian people perform various innovations and experiments of science and technology to develop science in Indonesia.

Development of science and technology in PJPT II is a continuation of the expansion of PJPT I. According to the Guidelines 1993 economic development goals PJPT II are as follows:
The achievement of national capabilities in the utilization, development, and mastery of science and technology needed to improve the welfare, progress, civilization, toughness, and the nation's competitiveness.

Terpacunya sustainable development and environmentally friendly society towards quality, advanced, independent, and prosperous based on spiritual values, morals and ethics based on noble values ​​of the nation and the value of faith and devotion to God Almighty.
To achieve that goal, the direction of development of science and technology are as follows:
Utilization and control development can accelerate the process of renewal.
Improve productivity and efficiency.
Expanding employment.
Improve the quality of the dignity of the nation and improve the people's welfare.
While the wisdom of science and technology in the Pelita VI on PJPT II there were five sectors as follows.

1. Production Techniques: That whole element that played a role in human activities that produce goods and services.
2. Technology Sector: Namely technology and engineering capabilities that underlie the ability of the Indonesian nation in innovation.
3. Sector Applied Sciences: Science That knowledge which can be utilized in various aspects of human life.
4. Basic Sciences Sector: That knowledge became the foundation for the development of the Natural Sciences, Social, Humanities, and supports the quality of human resources.
5. Institutional Sector Science L: That is science and technology aimed at improving human resources to be more productive, creative, and innovative.

The historical development of science and technology in Indonesia after independence was divided into two decades. In the first decade, the years 1945-1960, the people of Indonesia began to understand the meaning of production technology, though still in the level of passive and filled the dependence on foreign parties. The results from the introduction of science technology introduction for the first time, namely the construction of a cement factory in Gresik, a paper mill in Blabak (Magelang), glass factory, and cosmetics in Surabaya in the mid-1950s. In the decade of the 2nd namely in 1976 to set up factories in Bandung aircraft which was named NUR Tanio aircraft industry (IPTN) who use more sophisticated technology. The technology of the aircraft manufacturer's mengacuh on technology in Germany.
Science and technology on the one hand, beneficial to humans and other living beings, on the other hand have a negative impact.

Progress and benefits of science and technology
1. animal waste for fertilizer (compost).
2. Waste harnessed into useful bio-gas for cooking, lighting, and power of motion.
3. With the solar detoxification ie the contaminated water treatment system by utilizing the heat of the sun / ultraviolet to produce clean water.
4. In the field of communication (radio, TV, telephone, mobile phone, Internet) so that the use of a more efficient and faster

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